and surprisingly, for how packed they've been, they've been rather thought provoking as well. thinking about stuff, talking about other's problems, and trying to think of advice for them/ solutions have made me go into a mood of self-reflection and realise what a terrible person i am ):
i'm not going to name all my flaws because it'll only make me depressed ): but i think i shall start making the effort to be a nicer person ): i know i've said this before but i guess i've always been so content and satisfied with my life that i don't bother reaching out and helping others because sometimes i can't be bothered. but i guess i ought to put myself in others' shoes more often and then maybe i'll gain a wider perspective and then maybe i'll be making better use of my life because then i'll be able to make a difference in someone else's life, like the many people in my life who have made (huge) differences in mine.
yiwen, who no matter how tired she was, how her phone bill would escalate cos she had no incoming calls, and how talking too much on your mobile would kill of radiation, would always listen to me whenever i was crying/ angry/ fedup, which happened like almost once a week at least last year and the year before. yiwen, i dont know if you come here anymore but THANK YOU VERY MUCH. you didn't have to do that at all, spend so much time talking to me when you had no obligation to and stuff like that, but thank you for doing all that you did because without you i really dont know how i would have survived that year.
and like mel and jo for all their selfless gestures.
and like my many many wonderful friends who shower love care and concern on me, but i guess that's what friends are for (: and i hope i've been as good a friend to you all as you all have been to me (:
aiyah it's like twelve plus and i shan't name everyone and get myself all soppy, but okay i ought to like pass on what people have given to me also, because yes it takes effort, but i think the effect far outweighs it.
hmm okay shall continue another day. going to sleep now. if i can wake up in time i shall go watch baby's year end concert tmr. he's performing as a frog i think hahahhaaa so cute (:
yday i was at j8 then she called me, then i thought she wanted to ask me if im going home for dinner. so i called her back to tell her no, then GUESS WHAT SHE ASKED ME
and i think i'm such a fool sometimes.
okay but i shall write about what happened the past few days before i forget.
wednesday: can't even remember what happened in school, but then like met val after school then went to orchard and walked around with her for like god knows how many hours and then ate and talked and everything <3333 (: i'm glad we went out! (: went kino for a while and read postsecrets. i feel so sad everytime i read that book, but i think half the stuff in there's like really sweet (but sad). and then after we came out of kino we saw this poor lost REALLY CUTE little boy, and then like the adults around were trying to help him find his mother, and it was really really heartwarming when the uncle asked him if he could rmb his mother's number, and he recited the individual numbers with such resolution, like he was trying his best to be brave.
haha had damn a lot of retarded fun also, like playing in taka's toy section and being scared by the eeyore HAHAHAHHAAAA and val you are <33 damn cute la hahaaa you must have made me laugh like a gazillion times with all the silly things you said/ did haha! but thankyou for being such a dear! (: and then after that at 6.30 went for lina's birthday dinner! HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY LINA! TO MY DEAREST FRIEND OF ER 9 YEARS (: and hahahaa 5 years of acquaintance before that (:
thursday: haha my memory is failing me! haha school is so inconsequential already, but had a nice and meaningful talk with pok and jiakang after school, but it made pok and i quite sad too. :/ then after that spent time with angel before going for bbhh house party (which was kind of sad) to eat and talk more.
but mr hodge's farewell was so nice and sweet! and touching! i think we'll all really miss the BFG haha
then after that talked more to angel (thank you <3- here i recall your very very mushy letter hahaaa) then went to the apple store at wheelock to check my ipod out before reaching home like quite late.
and then at night i was so tired but then because of the whole convo with pok and jiakang i decided to read all my past letters. started with those from 2a2b, then from princess cos of guides and then a few of my guides letters. i miss getting letters ): and when i read bob's letter <3 and then princess's many many guides letters, i realised how much i miss them. and PRINCESS ): i believe we havent had a phone call in ages what a contrast to those days of many calls a night woahh.
friday: skipped econs and resumed yesterday's topic, this time with pok and berny. and got sad again. cannot talk about this too often, quite depressing. but strangely i think i've accepted it so much like over the years that it doesnt hit me that strongly also? and yeah pok i think what you said last night to me is really sad, but ohsotrue.
pe today was fun though (: we played tennis! haha like i havent held a racquet in ages and then jiakang and i played against ms pang and berny and we lost 6-4 ): but it was a close match haha we just lost most of the deuces >< but it was really fun yay.
and then went for lunch with shiya and then came back for training. and it was so hot and derelyn wasnt here so after a while we gave up also cos we were all seriously going to get heatstroke if we continued. then after resting we decided to play captain's ball. haha dumb decision to wear boots and play haha i slipped with the ball and then like fell in this really contorted position. and was momentarily very stunned because i never believed myself capable of arranging myself in such a position haha like some funny variation of a split :O haha and then everyone around me looked damn shock also haha!
and then walked with val and karen to j8 and got bubble tea then turns out that val's friend was meeting her at j8 instead so waited with her before taking 13 home.
i think i should take 13 home more often. i finished reading the economist and then i had damn a lot of time still and then i just sat there and listened to my ipod and thought. actually i didnt really really think also. haha like i just thought about everything in general but had no energy to think hard and find answers for everything from the depths of my brain haha. and i almost didnt want to get off because i was enjoying the solitude and the ride so much. wanted to walk the long route home but then quite dark already then i was scared some construction worker would kidnap me so i took the shorter route but i walked very slowly. nice to have some time alone to just stone and think a bit after spending my time the last few weeks catching up with people everyday and being so busy.
okay and i think there's something wrong with me i'm getting tired so easily. it's strange how like i have random spurts of energy and sometimes can stay up until damn late but these few days i feel like i'm being drained.
shall go off and read a bit of harry potter and the deathly gallows now. dunno sudden urge haha. and then sleep. tmr got the silly nus thing i shall bring a book to read there.
and sunday i dont know if i should stay home and think about all the things that i have temporarily pushed to the back of my head because i'm too tired to think about them properly. and finish up all the letters i owe haha shit like jolyn's princess's lina's birthday letters shucks. or if i should go shopping haha. shall see how. okay nightt (:
and then lessons just like flew by and then we got scolded for ponning maths lecture haha but sadly i think the scolding had hardly any effect on us, because maths lectures have indeed proven themselves rather useless and a waste of time.
yupp so we decided to go pig out after school.
and decided to head to soup spoon.and pok was being REALLY ANNOYING YESTERDAY. hmphh like you annoyed me a lot at least 3 times. HMPHH.
but soup spoon was yummy! clam chowder, mushroom stroganoff, beef sandwich and chicken tikka wrap! haha that was jolyn and my dinner, and pok's tea.
and WE HEADED TO OUT OF THE PAN AGAIN YIPPEEE. haha where pok had her lobster wrap. I TELL YOU AH. her stomach is like expandable? or a bottomless pit gosh. haha but we shared the tiramisu crepe <33333333>
yes so that was yesterday! and today i decided to treat myself today and cut school. hm but i really WAS tired haha.
so i woke up at like noon, and then got out of the house to get my haircut. and sat there for about close to three hours haha since i was getting it treated. haha i think it looks pretty much the same just that the split ends are gone and it feels a hell lot nicer (: yay and got my ipod, and shopped around for clothes a bit more with mummy before eating dinner and going home.
haha such a qianjinxiaojie day haha (:
but haha I LOVE MY VAIO. AND I LOVE MY NEW IPOD. i think i'm a terribly expensive kid to have hahaa! considering how much i shop >< but it's okay i know mummy and daddy love me anyway :D hahaaa
and then haha xiuqing and i must be telepathic haha we've resumed our sms convos that last for days once again because we both take ages to reply and then we found out that we both decided to miss school today haha (:
and i think i've just been like really busy goingout and meeting up with lots of people and having lots of fun. haha yeah kind of frivolous i know, but i think it's good for me. cos keeping myself busy means that it hardly allows me time to think about other stuff.
kangkang says:
sigh just because we're surviving doesn't mean we're finee
and then yesterday was the oteam barbecue where we were so antisocial >< and our attempts to socialise were restricted to playing like touchrug/captain's ball/frisbess. and er hijacking a tray of fried rice and a ball or using karen to attract guys to bring barbecued food to us hahaha! but it was quite fun hanging out with like angel karen bong val esther becky etc (:
the really pretty sand sculpture!!
and we all reached home superduper late. and then next day (ie today) still had match at 8am. woahh.
but hahhaaa the worst thing was that after getting home so late i spent like two plus hours on the phone haha! first with jolyn for like one hour plus, then another one hour plus with angel haha! then talk talk talk then we realised wahshit already one plus am then supposed to wake up at 7 the next day and we were seeing each other like like 6 hours anyway haha! but the phonecall was damn nice/funny THANK YOU DEAR (:
and tournament today! loads of fun as usual (: and i was late again oops but angel was later (as expected :P) HAHA and so much for playing in the jc league we ended up being like the only jc there and had to pit ourselves against the pretty uni and poly people haha! and (: we didnt get thrashed! haha we didnt win but we didnt get thrashed either so yay! and
BOO. I THINK I AM STUCK NOW AT PLAYING CENTRE. like wth ): angel i finally know how you feel la! grrr ): it's so tiring having to fly up and back again and again. and having people step on your foot, slap you damn hard and like use their muddy hands to touch and hit you all over grr ): and its freaking tiring. i miss being a link but haha khai and derelyn seem set on making me playing centre now and nothing else ): like i can't even slack off (i tried to ><) but he made me swop place with the centre such that i ONCE AGAIN returned to that position.
but ohwell fine i shall just accept that fact hahaa ): and as usual, what's a tournament without the customary photos (: DONT ALL YOU TOUCHRUGGERS LOVE ME AND MY CAMERA. (OR MY CAMERA AND ME WHATEVER) HAHA (:
raffles pose (:
andddddd i can't believe the papers are coming back all at one sitting tmr :/
i think after that must go out and binge hahaa
anddddddddddddddddddd. easier saidthan done i guess :/
like i'm happy (: cos of training and everything and like got to catch up with xinning and crap around with like lots of other people haha which is so nice and brainless and enjoyable.
and i just came back from a steamboat dinner, and every night no matter how full i am/ how fat i feel i dig my spoon into alternate tubs of haagen daaz summer berries/ cookies and cream/ rum and raisin. grrr no wonder my weight is increasing exponentially ):
but then i feel bad also cos ___________________________. but i feel so tired sometimes and then aiyah i just dont think so much anymore.
and i am freaking annoyed with my parents. for a lot of reasons i dont even want to go on a holiday with them anymore la wahlau grr.
wahlau after chionging for like 8 hours yesterday at brian's house haha which is sooo ulu please! haha but at least it's over and done, and haha quite fun la laughing at random stupid stuff like how the entire world's aganst alwyn :P haha
yupp and today (: YIJUN IS REALLY VERY HAPPY!
haha because of my epiphany like at 2am last night (: which i very happily recounted to angel HAHA and laughing and being retarded with her at 2 plus am haha!
and so today i couldnt stop smiling because i havent felt so lighthearted and happy in quite some time (: (: (: i hope it lasts!
AND THANK YOU MY DEARESTESTESTESTEST ANGEL (: (: (: haha for your really pretty and yummy muffin/ cupcake that made me even happier and your supermushy letter hahahaha! which sent me into uncontrollable laughing fits but it's okay i like (:
and then haha after pw went to coffee bean to eat and then haha i went home and slept after that
then woke up and decided to make waffles (: haha my yummy and pretty masterpiece :D
okay haha it doesnt look THAT nice in the photo but it WAS really yummy and haha considering i made it myself it's not bad yay :D
2a2b never fails to make me happy! everytime i think back on our numerous kbox sessions, sleepovers, baking sessions, outings, birthday celebrations, DANCING LESSONS HAHAHAAA etc and even just spending time together i always smile (:
and bob's blog!: it really felt like s4 days again, spending free and happy afternoons languishing about together! i really love 2a2b <3 they're one of the best things that have happened to me in my life!
awwwwwwwww (:
and today was the first training i went for in about three months haha! havent trained since before cambridge :o hahaa and today we all realised how unfit we were :/
but trainings are always fun! and today trainings were a lot more bearable thanks to the ice waterrrrr which was like such a godsend after we did our 36 back five thingys ):
and haha training's so xiong now i know why or seniors are all so hot. haha if we train like that three times a week confirm by next year will get hot bods haha. and karen said she'll laugh at me if by next year i'm not hot ): HAHAHAA okay that was such a bimbotic paragraph ><
but haha we wasted all the training after that by going for bubble tea and then ate two packets of large fries at bk! haha but talking to angel val and karen was fun (: AND HMPHH stop excluding me from your food club because i eat too little haha! if not i won't bring you all to eat nice food and all you can do is drool at the photos on my blog :P hahaha!
and ): after running for after the cab yesterday! ): in my heels that were ALREADY killing me from walking around the whole day (cos i left my phone in the cab!) and after training today, my feet have so many blisters and water bubbles they HURT LIKE CRAP ): but i guess like minmin said, blisters are a small price for getting my phone back. which i agree hahaaa. but seriously i totally panicked la when i got out of the cab and rang my doorbell and then realised that my phone was in my pouch and the cab was like halfway down the street already! and then i ran and ran and ran luckily he stopped after like another hundred metres so i could catch up :/ so i got my phone back phew.
and ohwell pw beckons! byeee
haha because of like yesterday too!
shall start with yesterday. met my dear wonderful cousin. was supposed to meet at one, but knowing her i decided to leave my house at one, and true enough she was late. so instead of waiting for her for 45 minutes i only had to wait ten minutes for her (: smart me!
and haha talked, ate, shopped. and i think rj guys are like ): compared to mj guys haha. because like after that woah her classmate met us and then after i left he sent her home. and like classmate only la he's not even like jio-ing her or anything. haha and we're happy in rj if guys are nice enough to sms us to check if we're home safely. woahhh ): haha but MY COUSIN IS TERRIBLE. like so much for being there for me today :P
and today! haha celebrating princess's birthday (: haha we are such wonderful friends! haha we all met early (for once) actually we arranged to meet at 10.30 but HAHA the last of us arrived at 10.55! and luckily princess was late. so yes! we embarked on our wonderfully exciting quest of placing our 17 BEAUTIFUL ROSES around the kbox room. actually 11. cos we gave one to the waitress to give to princess on her way in and we each held one. haha
and then haha but the timing sort of screwed up and everything but ><
and then we sang very happily as usual, and headed to coffee club to eat desserts after that which was WONDERFULLY YUMMAYYYYYY! hahaa and then we talked and laughed a lot as usual, and haha princess made us laugh like damn a lot with all her comments HAHA. yupp I MISS 2A2B LIKE DAMN A LOT. like when secondary school days were so nice and simple and happy ): sighhh
haha and we went to take neoprints! gosh i havent taken a neoprint in quite sometime! haha and the neoprint machines all look so cool now Oo but they're so much more ex too boo ): but we got really happy taking the neoprints because they turned out REALLY PRETTY YAYY!
and being the pigs we were, we went to village for rosti after that. haha goshh. and talked somemore.
haha and then when i reached home i got hungry again so i ate leftover pizza and haagen daaz! hahaaa (: food makes me fat. but it makes me happy though (:
at least there's finally training tmr! so can like burn off some fats hopefully :/
and then today training got cancelled cos it threatened to rain. come to think of it, it never actually did haha. yeah so we had like some 1 hour team talk thing so we could still make it for the oteam briefing thing. so after that i very excitedly went home with carmen! we were supposed to take my virgin 93 bus ride but we ended up on the mrt instead WHICH SHE REGRETTED ahahahahaa. but (: i cant believe we only just found out how near we stay to each other HAHA! and it was nice talking crap (:
and YES I AM FINALLY DONE WITH SNOW QUEEN. HAHA and after wahlau crying like hell las night and coming to school with a puffy right eyelid grrr. i hardly cried at all tonight haha i think it's the mood. but snow queen must be like the nicest jkorean show ive watched since goong. and CONTRARY TO POPULAR BELIEF. i am not really a fan of korean dramas but this one is damnnnn good! so YES EVERYONE SHOULD WATCH IT (:
okay im tired and i shall go sleep now!
the next few days are like jam-packed with stuff :/ but half's fun and half's pw hahaa shucks.
okay night!
1. IT DOESNT SNOW IN SINGAPORE. lots of romantic things happen in countries WITH SEASONS. and couples can't play in the snow, have snowball fights or ice skate together.
3. we have no proper amusement park, where couples can have nice first dates. and roller coasters create endorphins haha i remember doctor slatter saying this because he said haha on your first date take a roller coaster ride and you'll be guarenteed a second date.
4. we have no nice beach where you can watch sunset and play with the nice sparkling sea water. haha we have east coast and sentosa and what punggol beach but they're all so gross yuck.
5. it is so freaking hot around here and heat makes people angry more easily.
6. we have like one or two nice bridges but there's nothing other than the bridge at those spots haha! and i mean how long can couples walk along bridges for?
7. haha we dont even have nice parks to take walks in
8. or cool playgrounds
9. WE DONT EVEN HAVE STARS IN THE NIGHTSKY FOR PEOPLE TO PICNIC UNDER. and haha it's unlikely you'll ever see a shooting star in singapore oO
haha yes that sums it up. must be why korean taiwanese jap and hk dramas are so successful but singapore ones are a flop.
and why dramas are so far away from reality ):
haha lust caution was not bad but nowhere near as spectacular as i expected it to be. but i think it's the cutting and shortening because some scenes just ended super abruptly. BUT TONY LEUNG'S ACTING WAS MARVELLOUS. the expressions in his eyes are just WOAH.. but yeah a tad disappointing though ):
and so much for playing the wii.
because we all just languished on the sofa and like watched snow queen from like 5-11 HAHA WE SUCK. and we just eat all day it's a wonder we havent all ballooned yet >< like we ate during the movie, ice cream after the movie and our mouths never stopped moving at jiak's house haha! all the time while lying on the sofa watching snow queen.
haha and i swear it's the single korean drama which has the MOST NUMBER OF GOOD LOOKING ACTORS OR ACTRESSES. omgggggg like the three main guys and the main girls and the little girl woah all damn pretty! and haha we just cried and teared and teared continuously ever since the first episode when the brother died ): haha and we all took turns to cry a lot at diff scenes haha ><
and we're only at episode 6! 10 more episodes = MORE BUCKETS OF TEARS GOSH. haha
and ahhh drama serials ): haha seeing how most drama serials have happy endings can really be misleading in reality. and haha I THINK I AM LIKE THAT BECAUSE I WATCH TOO MANY GUZHUANG SHOWS ): hahaaa and idol dramas hahaha sucks la.
and then we were wondering if it's better to go out with a guy whom you like but keeps hurting you or a guy who likes you a lot and will never hurt you but yet you dont feel anything for him hmm.
and ): i really feel like going to ____________ and sitting there and cry. haha but the difference is that i will have no handsome and concerned ): male lead to come and find me haha unlike hyun bin or the pretty boy doctor! haha but maybe i shall do that one day because i think it's quite cathartic.
and i think i'll stay up the whole night to watch snow queen I HOPE I CAN WAKE UP TMR TO GO OUT WITH KELLY hahaha >< yay the past week plus this week = loads of fun!
but i went shopping instead (: with mummy! haha and got new clothes and HAHA she decided to buy the OTO slimming belt!
and i shall be a walking ad like i was to angel haha! it's only 98 bucks now at carrefour! so you could buy it if you want to (:
jbj yesterday was good (: but i liked asian boys better! and haha w!ld rice always hires good looking actors haha! when the play began jiakang whispered to me: eh he looks like ____ haha!
haha and i met kaleni there haha so cool !
BUT THE ULTIMATE WAS WHEN we were walking towards raffles city. then at the junction this black bmw drove past and then someone went: OMG ISNT THAT KALENI DRIVING! and then we stood at the junction and gasped and screamed HAHAHAA
and yay next week is exciting!
monday lust caution and wii at jk's house
tuesday lunch and shopping with kelly
wednesday pw meeting and TOUCHTRAINING :D
thursday + friday tbc haha i have to fit dinner appointments probably
to go:
ecp cycling/ rollerblading
yummy food places again!
giraffe at istana park
coffee club!
The things you've told him all along
And pray to God he hears you
shit la everyday i go home with such a bloated stomach. hahaa ><
and open house today was quite fun (: AND BING IS SO CUTE WHEN HE DANCES. haha if you see this HI BING (: with love, your fangirls yijun and jiakang! hahaha.
about a gazillion times better than all the stupid dry runs haha. the only thing good about yesterday was lunch at the prata house (: with sam sharon and nicole hahaa.
and dinner yesterday at soup spoon (: haha sabrina and my first time there! and yes the mushroom stroganoff (i used to think all stroganoffs were beef stroganoffs ><) haha was damn nice! and so was the wrap though they cheated our money and gave us like three tiny prawns in the whole wrap grrr. but hokkaido ice cream is yummy too (:
and today! haha i felt supremely happy after playing touch although it was like er not how we usually play touch haha but yayyyyyy and dinner (:
and haha our hot guy radar all damn sharp la HAHAHAHHAHAA.
zomg im blowing my allowance entirely on food this week because after feeling nice and exercised angel shiya and i went to swensens (: = GOOD FOOD AGAIN!
and HAHA shit i realised today that there was yami yoghurt in the basement so
then angel had to leave so shiya and i went to the playground for a while before our mummies came (:
so yes yijun is a happy girl this week (:
though i'd like to go to out of the pan once more! and to haato! and to coffee club (:
and shit i think i'm pmsing again ): pokkkkkkk! i succeeded in the mission today (: once again and it's so stressful having to do it all alone okay!! but sometimes i get really pissedd and wonder why are we doing it. when we sort of know the end result anyway and like i really feel tired and like giving up and not bothering. COME ONLINEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
and normally i would rant to you also but
haha befrienders took up half the day! but then pizza hut lunch deal was yummy (: and haha packing the stuff was quite exhilarating in a strange way HAHA and the dance was funner than i thought it would be!
hahaa it was damn funny! shengwei and i went to raffles city and stood at the directory and GASP there was no top of the pan >< omg at that moment i just laughed and laughed like i was going crazy HAHAAAAA because i refused to believe that the place didnt exist :/ then he said he thought it was on the top floor since it was TOP of the pan. so in the end we found this place called OUT of the pan at the basement and ALOHAAAAAA IT WAS THE PLACE WE WERE LOOKING FOR!!! because they had the waffles that i wanted to eat on the menu! HAHAA I POINTED AT THE MENU ON THE WALL and jumped up and down in delight and then we both laughed like crazy and the waiters and waitresses had a good laugh looking at us too hahaaa!
AND YAY THE DESSERTS DIDNT DISAPPOINT :D haha and before pris came we already decided what we wanted to eat but luckily she liked our choices too! so we ordered and ate our desserts first cos they had ice cream and we were scared they were melting ><
I'm going to blow all my money on food this week ):
OMG I AM SO SORRY POK ): I FAILED TERRIBLY IN MY MISSION TODAY. i succeeded like until like later and i was so happily talking about how you were going to praise me for a good job done ): but then ): haha I AM SORRY hahahahaaaaa i hope i dont fail tmr. jolyn will help me (: STUPID JOLYN ALL YOUR FAULT FOR HAVING MORNING SICKNESS AGAIN!!! ):
but today just meant an official end to the exams, because technically i behaved like the exams ended ages ago (or never even started haha)
nevertheless to celebrate post exams we went to watch a movie! ratatouille! and it's the only instance where i would find rats cute la though its quite gross coming to think about it of rats running a kitchen. haha but remy is so cuteeee (:
haha and the we ate the merlionster! :D yummy (:
and haha i dunno also la pok just says so much funny stuff i just had like a fit from laughing haha.
but other than that dunno why also i was feeling so dead and lethargic and tired :/
and haha :/ when i talked i really felt like crying haha but then i didnt :D
and WAH SUN WITH MOON :DDDDDDDDD damn yummy haha! and i love my family <33333333>
baby's so spastic :/ but cute :D
and i think girlfriends own (:
haha with simple gestures that never fail to make me laugh!
haha angel and her attempt to ease my anger after i swore and cursed and made her laugh: EH I..... REMOVED __________ hahahaaa damn funny la!